Hi, I’m Jolie.

Truth Teller, Mentor,
Mother, Wild Woman.

this is the part where we do it scared

this is the part where we get brave

this is is the part where we show up for ourselves

this is the part where we do it scared this is the part where we get brave this is is the part where we show up for ourselves

I’m so glad you’re here. Let me tell you about myself.

For a good portion of my adulthood, I was walking through life with chronic anxiety, gut problems, depressive episodes, panic attacks, and a very deep-seated sense that life was simply difficult, scary, and required me to detach from myself to get through.

I tried to pray it away. I tried to anti-depressant it away, and I definitely tried to ignore it away. I convinced myself I couldn’t trust my own instincts and doubled down on a life that chafed me and required me to pretend. I wondered with deep sadness and worry why I couldn’t feel how I wanted to.

Slowly, I came to the realization that I didn’t actually know myself; in fact I was afraid to know myself, because that might lead to disappointing others. The shape of my life had come from blindly following a prescribed “right way” and I had diligently constructed my life to meet others’ standards: religion, family, society at large. But I completely abandoned myself along the way.

I began to study myself and sort out what was me, and what was performance and pleasing. I wondered what it meant to have intuition, and then spent years in therapy and self-discovery uncovering my own and learning to follow it fearlessly. I began showing up as my true self, and shape my life into something that didn’t require me to pretend in order to stay in it.

Finding the peace after the pain

Making these shifts in my life wasn’t easy. Actually, it was the hardest work I’ve ever done, resulting at times in seismic life shifts, like leaving the church life I had been raised in from birth, and eventually coming to the conclusion in couples counseling that my marriage wasn’t working out in a way that honored the both of us.

I went through a long season of things dying, and the desperation I felt followed by transformation ultimately led me to pursue coaching. I knew that while it was painful, this work had completely transformed my life into something that felt right in my bones. I had a peace I hadn’t known before, and experienced alignment and joy that electrified me. I wasn’t hiding thoughts and feelings, and my life felt safe and authentic.

What else to know about me? I’m a licensed educator, a mother of two amazing kids, and a two-time entrepreneur. I’m obsessed with people, Jungian psychology, relationships, women, culture, and how to improve our quality of life (and the lives of those around us) by understanding and honoring ourselves. While I no longer partake in organized religion, I am still deeply spiritual and pull from Buddhist, Christian, Taoist, and other spiritual teachers. I spend my spare time traveling, hiking, running, reading, cooking, and dreaming.

My Approach

As a former educator, entrepreneur, and mother, I have such a passion for people: nurturing them, encouraging them, serving them, and challenging them to look at the world and themselves in new ways that bring relief, curiosity, and joy.

My strategies in coaching women come from many resources (many of my favorites shown in this picture!) and focus on developing a deeper awareness of both ourselves as human beings, and the effects of the social and religious frameworks we are conditioned by.

I work with women through conversational mentorship (ok, and some educational resources and worksheets, that’s the teacher in me). I teach women how to shift their mindsets, work through their scary emotions, regulate their bodies, set and achieve goals, break through fear, create totally new relationships with their “negative” emotions, and make meaningful transformation in their lives.


Ready to work together? Reach out and schedule a qualifying call today.

Meet me on the ‘gram