you’re ready
to get out of fear and into full bloom
What if feeling afraid was the best place to be for transformative growth?
I offer 1:1 coaching and mentorship for women who are ready to get out of their head and into their best life. What if it was possible to stop feeling stuck and start feeling self-assured and capable of all the bold moves needed to bring your truest self out into the world? (It is!) Let’s make it happen.

Sound familiar? Let’s talk.
I’m playing small
….with who I am and how I make (or avoid) decisions. My intuition? Don’t know her. I’ve been conditioned to be others-focused for so long, I’ve kind of lost myself. I see other women embodying confidence and ambition, but I haven’t been able to reach it for myself. I’m looking for a roadmap for finding my own voice and living outside the bounds of pleasing others, because I’m ready for some true peace of mind.
Why can’t I change?
…when I know what change needs to happen? I’ve read the books, I know what to do, but I still find myself totally stuck. Intellectually, I get it. Enacting it is a different story. It’s like I’m paralyzed by fear and self-doubt. I waste so much energy spinning my wheels and overthinking, I end up not making any real progress. I’m exhausted from getting nowhere, and I’m motivated to do the type of work that ignites real change.
I know, talking about transformation is fun. But you know what’s even more fun? Actually experiencing it. I’m here to help you quit analyzing and start acting in a way that leaves you feeling accomplished and fulfilled.
When your heart is bursting (or breaking) with longing for change, but your mind is struggling with the how, that’s when linking arms with a coach can bring you some of the best breakthroughs of your life. I’m here to help you see it’s safe to feel afraid and take action while you’re scared. Let’s do it.
…to feel the fear and do it anyway.
this is the part where you walk with your fear
this is the part where you take the leap
this is the part where you take the leap
this is the part where you walk with your fear this is the part where you take the leap this is the part where you take the leap
What people are saying
Coaching brings the unique blend of relational mentorship with hands-on growth, self-exploration, and accountability. We’ll do a deep dive of YOU and your desires, and form a plan we can work on together. I’ll be your go-to cheerleader every step of the way.
I use compassion, mindset shifts, accountability, between-session support, and just the right amount of (loving) fire under your butt to bridge the gap between the life you’re living and the life you’re longing for. I’m here to help you make it happen. Want to hear more? Click below.
What does 1:1 coaching include?